Archive for The Ace Hotel Palm Springs

Simply Aces..

Posted in Hotels, Travel with tags , on April 12, 2009 by travelwizard


I have been a bad blogger. Shame on me. I haven’t lifted a finger for this blog in over two weeks and that is not acceptable! If there were a place to house neglectful bloggers, surely I would be sent there. Forgive me dear readers, my absence is not without reason and I will try not to stray so far again. 

I am happy to report that travels are on the horizon, and this time, I am heading back to my favorite weekend destination ( Palm Springs) to check out the latest in a new hotel chain making waves..Ace Hotels. So far, The Ace Hotel has popped up in Portland, Seattle, New York and now Palm Springs. I have been scoping out Ace for a while now, just waiting for the day hen one popped up in my vicinity. That day has come and in two weeks, I will be chillaxing poolside at their latest endeavor.

Here is what I know about The Ace Hotel, Palm Springs. It used to be a Howard Johnson. It underwent a serious makeover. There are six different room set ups, all of which are incredible well-priced and seemingly very decked out. Some more than others, which account for the price range but all contain the following amenities. A record player (three cheers!), flat screens, products from Rudy’s Barbershop, robes. those are standard these days. But guess what else Ace offers? Um, a dog park, do it yourself BBQ, communal fire-pits an two salt water pools. A dog park? My dog just got so lucky..

On the low end, a simple double or a simple king will run you around 89 a night. For between 100 to 200 more, you can opt for a rooms with a private outdoor porch, with or without a fireplace (I have opted for the fireplace, who doesn’t like a fireplace in May)?  I will write a full review upon return but for now, here is what I have to look forward to:



